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Love Bomb... the science of appreciation

Love Bomb... the science of appreciation

Anybody who has been through a Hyper Island experience knows how much we love a good love bomb. It's a simple appreciation activity we often facilitate at the end of a workshop, both online and in person. It can feel uncomfortable, ecstatic, kind of warm and fuzzy... but there is significant 'scientific' evidence which highlights the importance of such rituals for teams. Showing appreciation is important in building rapport in a team because it helps to create a positive and supportive environment. When team members feel valued and recognized for their contributions, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged in their work. This can lead to increased productivity, better communication, and a stronger sense of teamwork.

Studies have found that expressing gratitude and appreciation in the workplace can have numerous positive effects on employee well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity. For example, a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that expressing gratitude at work can lead to increased job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee performance.

Another study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology found that expressing gratitude can reduce job strain and improve the well-being of employees. Additionally, research has shown that positive feedback can be a powerful motivator and can improve employee performance and engagement.

For this reason we have a number of tools and activities for teams to put appreciation into practice. The Hyper Island Appreciation Mingle is a structured activity designed to promote appreciation and positive feedback among team members. It is a variation of the classic speed dating format, where participants pair up and take turns sharing their experiences, skills, and strengths with each other.

This activity is designed to promote positive feedback and gratitude, which aligns with the findings of research on these topics. By encouraging team members to express appreciation for each other, the activity can help build a more positive and supportive team culture, which can lead to numerous benefits for both individuals and the team as a whole.

The Hyper Island Appreciation Mingle is in our Hyper Island Toolbox and can be accessed here: https://toolbox.hyperisland.com/appreciation-mingle

If you would like to explore the theme in more detail download our Rapid Rapport handbook, a free downloadable guide to applying empathy and connecting with your customers, your team and yourself. It can be accessed here: https://knowledge.hyperisland.com/rapid-rapport-handbook

We have also Rapid Rapport Self Assessment for individuals to assess how well you build rapport with yourself, your team and your customers. It can be accessed here: Rapid Rapport Self Assessment

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Tim Lucas
Tim Lucas

PhD in Anthropology. Head of Hyper Island North America, speaker, learning designer and business leader.

Love Bomb... the science of appreciation

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